Brochure "Cancer at school
"Cancer at school. A guide for teachers".
Lausanne, September 11, 2024 - On the occasion of International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the Vaud University of Teacher Education (HEP Vaud), the Vaud University Hospital (CHUV) and the Zoé4life association are pleased to announce the publication of the brochure entitled "Le cancer à l'école. Guide d'accompagnement pour le corps enseignant". This guide has been designed to help education professionals better understand and support children and teenagers affected by cancer in their school careers.
Every year, around 400,000 children and adolescents aged 0-19 are diagnosed with cancer worldwide. It is one of the leading causes of death in children. Despite advances in research and treatment, pediatric cancer remains a particularly difficult ordeal for young patients and their families. The most common types of childhood cancer include leukemia, brain tumors, lymphomas and neuroblastomas, each requiring specific and complex treatment approaches.

Impact on schooling
Children with cancer face many obstacles that can profoundly affect their school and career development. Repeated absences due to treatment and medical appointments disrupt their participation in class and make it difficult for them to assimilate knowledge on an ongoing basis. The physical side-effects of treatment, such as intense fatigue, nausea or body aches, also reduce their ability to concentrate and participate actively in school activities. In addition to the physical and emotional challenges imposed by the disease, many children may also suffer from neuro-cognitive disorders caused by the effects of cancer and treatment on their developing brains. These can include difficulties with memory, concentration and attention, as well as impaired executive function. These deficits can have a major impact on children's school learning, social relationships and overall quality of life, sometimes over the long term.
Raising awareness among teachers: a key factor for success
It is vital that those involved in education are aware of these issues, so that they can offer appropriate, personalized support to students with cancer. Early, multidisciplinary recognition and management of these disorders are essential to help children overcome these obstacles and maximize their recovery potential. The brochure "Le cancer à l'école. Guide d'accompagnement pour le corps enseignant" has been developed to meet the specific needs of these students, to better support them in the school environment and to answer any questions teachers may have. It has been written by experts in pediatric oncology, pedagogy and psychosocial support, offering practical advice and strategies for creating an inclusive and caring school environment. It has been beautifully illustrated by graphic designer and illustrator Arnaud Dousse.
Working together for better school support
The result of a partnership between Center for Illness, Death and Bereavement at School"(CMDE) of the Vaud University of Teacher Education (HEP Vaud), thePediatric Hematology-Oncology Unit and the Somatic Social Service of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) and the Zoé4life association, this brochure will be distributed free of charge to children with cancer, their families and schools.
This guide is intended to support teachers and encourage better integration of sick children into the education system, as well as follow-up that takes into account the long-term repercussions of the disease, sometimes throughout life.
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