

Cancer knows no boundaries, no age, no socio-cultural background.

Raising awareness of childhood cancer is an important goal for Zoé4life. Indeed, before being affected in any way, shape or form, it's difficult to grasp the issues surrounding treatment and the disease. That's why Zoé4life's role is to raise public awareness of childhood cancer.

The consequences of such a disease on the child and those around him are severe. It's important to be able to talk about childhood cancer without taboos, but also to make a commitment at international level to change things, as too few funds are allocated to pediatric cancer research.

Cancer knows no borders. In fact, treatment is not always available in the child's own country, and he or she may have to travel abroad for treatment.

As a result, Zoé4life is organizing a number of events and getting involved at Swiss and international level to mobilize research players

Our events

Our commitments

Together we can make a difference!

There are many ways to support us. Your commitment makes a difference for children with cancer.

Support for Swiss families with a child with cancer

Every year, more than a hundred families living in Switzerland with a child suffering from cancer receive support from Zoé4life.

Projects for children with cancer

Zoé4life finances projects for children with cancer, during and after treatment.

Research projects and new treatments

Since 2013, Zoé4life has funded research projects in Switzerland and abroad to the tune of over CHF 2,500,000.