A message for Zoé...
by Nicole Scobie
10 years...
10 years since family and friends joined forces to offer you that last trip you'd been dreaming of. 10 years since we worked together, across borders, without counting the hours... not really knowing whether we were day or night, so that your parents and sister could enjoy you, Zoé, and so that you could offer each other some happy memories...
And in a few days, Zoé, it will be 10 years since you took off.
It will soon be 10 years since I wrote this text for the ceremony in your honor, which I read in front of a full church, filled with hundreds of people... Some who didn't even know you before your story was publicized; but all united for you Zoé - this little girl who had touched them so much with her courage and her wonderful smile.
10 years since the creation of Zoé4life, and since our decision to continue fighting for others, for all children with cancer.
And 10 years later, we're still here, Zoé. And we're moving forward, whatever the cost, thinking of you and all those children, those who are fighting, those who have fought and those who will fight again.
Zoé, in spite of yourself, you left us a wonderful gift. The gift of knowing what "LIFE" means. And to celebrate life, through your memory, I hope that once again, the solidarity created around you will enable us to make a difference for children with cancer.
Thanks to all of you who continue to support us, and thank you Zoé for passing on the torch!
If you would like to honor Zoé's memory, you can make a donation to Zoé4life

October 2013, a few days before leaving for Florida.
"Thank you Zoé.
Thank you for your smile, for your laughter, for your energy.
Thank you for teaching me to slow down, to appreciate the time we have together.
Thank you for the gift of friendship I have with your mom.
We are several mothers of children who have also fought, like you, or who are still fighting this disease. We are friends in joy and in sorrow.
When one of our children passes a treatment milestone, we are all happy and excited.
let's share the joy.
When a mother sits in the waiting room at the ChUV, anxiously awaiting test results, it's as if we're all there with her, waiting and worrying. At the end of our cell phones, we check our messages.
When one of our children relapses, it's a bit like our child relapsing. Fear, hope.
And when you left, Zoé, we lost one of our children. But we also know that it was a gift to have known you, to have been able to share a little of our lives with you.
Thank you Zoé for leaving us such a beautiful lesson in life; thank you for smiling despite everything, for living in the present.
I can still see you singing and dancing on the couch at home to your favorite music.
That's how I'll always remember you."