Support for young adults

Support for young adults 

AYA (Adolescents and Young Adults)

The challenges of young adults aged 16 to 25 faced with cancer and its consequences.

Cancer disrupts lives at any age, but its repercussions can be particularly significant for young adults aged 16 to 25 (AYA). Whether diagnosed in childhood, adolescence or adulthood, these young people often face similar challenges along the way.

Long-term side effects

Young adults are often confronted with the lasting side effects of treatment, such as :

  • SterilityThis can compromise parenthood projects.
  • Heart problemsimpacting their long-term health.
  • Risk of second cancerThis means constant vigilance.

Education and career: interrupted paths

During treatment, many have to suspend their studies, apprenticeships or professional activities. This results in :

  • A career break or a choice of profession limited by physical constraints.
  • Long-term impact on income and difficult integration into the workforce.

Physical and psychological after-effects, such as chronic fatigue and functional limitations, further complicate the return to a normal working life.

Professional reintegration: a difficult path

After treatment, young adults often :

  • Redirect their professional ambitions to adapt to their new reality.
  • Facing a hole in the CVwhich hinders hiring.
  • Dealing with the prejudices of recruiters, who fear absenteeism or reduced productivity.

Lack of understanding on the part of employers adds to the challenges of reintegration.

Financial and social challenges

Even with medical cover, young survivors face indirect costs (transport, complementary therapies) and a lack of income during their illness, often placing them in a precarious situation.

These financial difficulties deprive them of essential activities for their age, such as outings with friends or educational projects, reinforcing their social isolation.

Psychosocial consequences

  • Chronic fatigue Reduced stamina and concentration at work.
  • Cognitive difficulties Affects memory, concentration and decision-making.
  • Physical limitations Restrictive for certain professional activities.
  • Stress and anxiety : Struggling against high expectations, young people often feel excessive pressure.
  • Lack of confidence : Many are reluctant to ask for adaptations or to talk about their specific needs.

Perception and stigmatization

Some survivors are still discriminated against because of their medical history, despite Swiss laws protecting against discrimination on health grounds.

Basic needs: Aids and resources

These young adults require appropriate support, including :

  • Financial aid to compensate for lost income and indirect costs.
  • Professional fittings : reduced working hours, telecommuting, adapted working conditions.

In conclusion

The diagnosis of cancer at a young age disrupts major life transitions, whether in terms of entering the workforce, studies or social relationships. To overcome these challenges, it's essential to receive extra support, both financially and psychologically, as well as professionally.

Zoé4life is committed to supporting these young people who are no longer quite children, but who are still someone's child...

Here's how we can help:

Zoé4life offers a grant to help improve the quality of life of children, teenagers and young adults who have been or are being affected by cancer.

Our aim is to enable them to reintegrate psychosocially, personally, socially, academically or professionally as smoothly as possible, in the face of difficulties linked to their cancer treatment.

The conditions for our All4life support are as follows:

  • Be a child, adolescent or young adult in treatment, in remission or cured of cancer up to the age of 30 at the time of application, and be able to attest to this fact by a doctor or healthcare professional.
  • Be domiciled in French-speaking Switzerland.
  • The request must concern a "project" that could improve the daily life of the child, teenager or young adult, helping them in their everyday life or in their future life.
  • The service does not have to be covered by insurance.
  • Provide proof so that Zoé4life can proceed with the refund or payment.
  • The application is assessed by Zoé4life, who will determine whether the project is eligible for support and how much money is allocated to the project.
  • It can be partial or total.
  • All4life lives solely on the donations collected by Zoé4life, which reserves the right to refuse any request without justification.
  • A request can be renewed the following year, but will not be automatically accepted (depending on the budget).
  • Please enclose any supporting documents you need to complete your application (invoice, offer, AI or insurance letter, certificate, doctor's letter, etc.).

In French-speaking Switzerland, several structures and organizations offer specific support to young cancer survivors to help them reintegrate the workforce.

Byron Seydoux, a member of the Zoé4life Advisory Board, was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 20. In his testimony he shares the difficulties he faces in returning to work after cancer.

He has carried out a great deal of research and would like to share it with you.

By filling in the form below, you authorize Byron to get in touch with you, so that together we can find the various aids and structures that can help you.

On the initiative of Byron, who wants to share his experience and knowledge, Zoé4life has set up the Club des jeunes Z'adultes.

The Club's aim is to enable young people to spend time "like any other" with people of their own age facing similar problems.

I didn't think of myself as a child anymore, but I felt I wasn't a real adute yet, and yet I had to find help on my own."
Byron, who was 20 when he was diagnosed with cancer.

Today, he would like to share his experience and help other young people facing the same difficulties.

To join the Z'adultes youth club :

  • The club is open to all young people between the ages of 16 and 25 who have been affected by cancer, whatever their age at diagnosis.
  • Registration is free of charge.
  • Various activities and outings will be offered several times a year.
  • Participation in these activities is entirely optional, free of charge and made possible by our partners.
  • Simply fill in the form and Byron will contact you.
If you have any questions, please contact Byron by email:

Thank you to our first partners for their support of the Club des jeunes Z'adultes. Their donations will enable us to organize our first activities.