Therapeutic optimization of the radioactive drug 131I-mIBG to improve treatment of neuroblastoma.

Neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer, accounts for 8 to 10 % of pediatric cancers.

Although this cancer is particularly aggressive, advances in imaging techniques, thanks in particular to radioactive tracers such as 123I-mIBG, mean that it can now be detected more effectively.

However, current treatments still have their limitations, resulting in a low 5-year survival rate.

Researchers at Basel University Hospital, specializing in radiopharmaceutical chemistry, have demonstrated that by combining certain drugs, cancer cells can better absorb the radioactive mIBG used in therapy. As a result, more radioactivity is concentrated on the tumor, making it more effective at destroying it.

What's more, in a previous project, they proved that this method also improves tumor detection. Today, thanks to the invaluable support of Zoé4life, they are continuing their work to perfect this strategy. Their aim is to reduce the size of tumors and, in some cases, make them disappear altogether.

What's more, this research, currently being carried out in the laboratory on cancer cells, represents a significant step forward. They bring us even closer to the ultimate goal: to initiate clinical trials to offer children with neuroblastoma a real chance of a cure.

Zoé, a little girl full of life and courage, inspired the creation of the association. She will remain in our hearts as a symbol of strength and resilience.

She underwent 131I-mIBG radioactive treatment, a promising protocol for stabilizing or even overcoming the disease. Her family, supported by the medical teams, has pinned all its hopes on this promising breakthrough.

This week of isolation in a room, necessary because of the radioactivity, represented a huge challenge for such a young child.

Yet Zoé coped with her condition with admirable courage. Even if the time spent with her was limited, the caregivers offered her constant attention and perfectly adapted care.

We remain convinced that this treatment offers promising prospects for the future. It may not have saved Zoé's life, but it offers immense hope for the many other children and their families involved in this difficult battle.

Inspired by Zoé's struggle, we are working to give children like Zoé a better chance of recovery. 

Zoé4life is proud to have provided financial support for this project to the tune of
of CHF 63,372 in January 2025.