In just 4 months, the founding members of Zoé4life organized the first event of its kind in France.
of the association: a fund-raising meal in Sullens
to support Zoé's family.
Despite a tight schedule and thanks to the relationships of each member, this day
was a success, with 320 people coming to show their
their support for the Guignard family.
Therapeutic optimization of the radioactive drug 131I-mIBG to improve treatment of neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma, a serious ...
Breaking the isolation of children and adolescents undergoing treatment: Zoé4life presents the telepresence robot ...
"With KiKli Fit, give a smile and strength to children with cancer thanks to ...
It's Christmas! This is it! The Solioz family is in full swing. Here, ...
I've often wondered about the link between "showing humanity" and "being a ...
Discover Zoé4life's Club des Z'amis We're proud to announce the latest addition to ...