That's how we met Anthony.
Since then, he's always been there to help us, and it's as if he's always going to be there, by our side.
Anthony, Tonio for those who knew him, the one who timed his vacations around Zoé4life's events calendar so as not to have to refuse to come and help us. Tonio was there every year, scraping at the raclette stand, taking part in the Septembre en OR campaign or finding prizes for our tombolas.
With his angel's face, his smile that never left him, his joie de vivre, his infectious good humor and the big-mouthed side we loved so much, Tonio had his heart on his sleeve. He was an important pillar of our association.
We're going to miss Anthony. We're really going to miss you.
Say hello to Zoé and let's celebrate together, because apart from the fact that you left two days before your birthdays and that you left too young, you had this other thing in common: making every day a day of celebration.
Have fun up there Anthony, and in our sorrows, we'll remember that the most beautiful tribute we can pay to you, who loved life so much, is to savor every moment it offers us. Even more so today, when you should have celebrated your 44th birthday.
Therapeutic optimization of the radioactive drug 131I-mIBG to improve treatment of neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma, a serious ...
Breaking the isolation of children and adolescents undergoing treatment: Zoé4life presents the telepresence robot ...
"With KiKli Fit, give a smile and strength to children with cancer thanks to ...
It's Christmas! This is it! The Solioz family is in full swing. Here, ...
I've often wondered about the link between "showing humanity" and "being a ...
Discover Zoé4life's Club des Z'amis We're proud to announce the latest addition to ...
Therapeutic optimization of the radioactive drug 131I-mIBG to improve treatment of neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma, a serious ...
Breaking the isolation of children and adolescents undergoing treatment: Zoé4life presents the telepresence robot ...
"With KiKli Fit, give a smile and strength to children with cancer thanks to ...
It's Christmas! This is it! The Solioz family is in full swing. Here, ...
I've often wondered about the link between "showing humanity" and "being a ...
Discover Zoé4life's Club des Z'amis We're proud to announce the latest addition to ...